Template for the contributors table
Dataset that represents the data structure that the tenzing package functions require to run without error. The dataset is filled with example values and based on the online spreadsheet provided in the shiny app.
A dataframe with 3 rows and 22 variables:
- 'Order in publication'
numeric, used to order the contributors for all outputs, shared first authorship is allowed
- Firstname
character, first name of the contributor, must be provided
- 'Middle name'
character, middle name of the contributor, blank if not applicable
- Surname
character, surname of the contributor, must be provided
- Conceptualization
logical, CREdiT role
- 'Data curation'
logical, CREdiT role
- 'Formal analysis'
logical, CREdiT role
- 'Funding acquisition'
logical, CREdiT role
- Investigation
logical, CREdiT role
- Methodology
logical, CREdiT role
- 'Project administration'
logical, CREdiT role
- Resources
logical, CREdiT role
- Software
logical, CREdiT role
- Supervision
logical, CREdiT role
- Validation
logical, CREdiT role
- Visualization
logical, CREdiT role
- 'Writing - original draft'
logical, CREdiT role
- 'Writing - review & editing'
logical, CREdiT role
- 'Email address'
character, email address of the correspondign author, optional
- 'Affiliation 1'
character, primary affiliation of the contributor
- 'Affiliation 2'
character, secondary affiliation of the contributor, blank if not applicable
- 'Affiliation 3'
character, tertiary affiliation of the contributor, blank if not applicable, more affiliation columns can be added following the "Affiliation n" pattern
- Funding
character, name of the funds, blank if not applicable
character, ORCID iD of the contributor
- 'Corresponding author?'
logical, TRUE for contributor who is the corresponding author, multiple corresponding authors are allowed
- 'Conflict of interest'
character, conflict of interest statement of the contributor