This function validates the infosheet provided to it by checking whether the provided infosheet is compatible with the infosheet_template. The function early escapes only if the provided infosheet is not a dataframe or the variable names are not the same as in the infosheet template.




dataframe, filled out infosheet


The function returns a list for each checked statement. Each list contains a type vector that stores whether the statement passed the check "success" or failed "warning" or "error", and a message vector that contains information about the nature of the check.

The function checks the following statements

  • error, the provided infosheet is a dataframe

  • error, the provided infosheet does not have the same column names as the template

  • error, Firstname variable has missing value for one of the contributors

  • error, Surname variable has a missing value for one of the contributors

  • warning, the infosheet has duplicate names

  • warning, the infosheet has names with duplicate initials

  • error, the 'Order in publication' variable has missing values

  • error, the 'Order in publication' variable has duplicate values

  • error, both 'Primary affiliation' and 'Secondary affiliation' variables are missing for one contributor

  • warning, there is no corresponding author added

  • warning, email address is missing for the corresponding author

  • warning, there is at least one CRediT role provided for all contributors


check_result <- validate_infosheet(infosheet = infosheet_template) # Show the results of the checks purrr::map(check_result, "type")
#> $missing_surname #> [1] "success" #> #> $missing_firstname #> [1] "success" #> #> $duplicate_names #> [1] "success" #> #> $duplicate_initials #> [1] "success" #> #> $missing_order #> [1] "success" #> #> $duplicate_order #> [1] "success" #> #> $missing_affiliation #> [1] "success" #> #> $missing_corresponding #> [1] "success" #> #> $missing_credit #> [1] "warning" #> #> $missing_email #> [1] "success" #>
# Show the corresponding messages purrr::map(check_result, "message")
#> $missing_surname #> [1] "There are no missing surnames." #> #> $missing_firstname #> [1] "There are no missing firstnames." #> #> $duplicate_names #> [1] "There are no duplicate names in the infosheet." #> #> $duplicate_initials #> [1] "There are no duplicate initials in the infosheet." #> #> $missing_order #> [1] "There are no missing values in the order of publication." #> #> $duplicate_order #> [1] "There are no duplicated order numbers in the infosheet." #> #> $missing_affiliation #> [1] "There are no missing affiliations in the infosheet." #> #> $missing_corresponding #> [1] "There is at least one author indicated as corresponding author." #> #> $missing_credit #> There is no CRediT taxonomy checked for the following row number(s): 4 #> #> $missing_email #> [1] "There are email addresses provided for all corresponding authors." #>