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This function validates the contributors_table provided to it by checking whether the provided contributors_table is compatible with the contributors_table_template(). The function early escapes only if the provided contributors_table is not a dataframe, the variable names that are present in the contributors_table_template is missing, or if the contributors_table is empty.


validate_contributors_table(contributors_table, config_path)



dataframe, filled out contributors_table


The function returns a list for each checked statement. Each list contains a type vector that stores whether the statement passed the check "success" or failed "warning" or "error", and a message vector that contains information about the nature of the check.

The function checks the following statements

  • error, the provided contributors_table is not a dataframe

  • error, none of the outputs can be created based the provided contributors_table due to missing columns

  • error, the provided contributors_table is empty